Kit 22. BR Shark ballast plough Brake Van (NGSK0220)

Product code: NGSK0220

Quantity Range

Unit Price

Unit Saving

1 - 4


No Saving




(Eras 4-9)

Decals are not included in this kit, but are available under 'NGS Decals, item NGST0220' (click to go to page).
Additional markings may be found on ModelMaster sheets -
they have lettering for different allocations though do not cover more recent liveries;
MMT066 'Shark' Eng Brake Vans (yellow&white)(2666) (click to go to page)
MMT585 Eng Shark,Tope,Turbot,Sealion,Seacow (2865) (click to go to page)

Click to see building instructions.

Brand NGS Kits
Product Code NGSK0220
Weight 0.042kg