Kit 16: BR 21t Hopper Wagon HTO/HTV (NGSK0160)

Product code: NGSK0160

Quantity Range

Unit Price

Unit Saving

1 - 4


No Saving




(Eras 4-7)

Decals are not included in this kit, but are available for unfitted wagons under 'NGS Decals', item NGST0160 (click to go to page).

Markings for fitted wagons may be found on ModelMaster sheet
MMT565 BR 21t HTO & HOP Hoppers (2682)  (click to go to page).

A detailing etch (NGSK0161) is also included with this kit.

Click to see building instructions.

Brand NGS Kits
Product Code NGSK0160
Weight 0.05kg